Spark 猫本悉尼的公车司机,起薪基本上就是80K每年,超市员工,也是55K-60K,如果不在悉尼猫本的豪宅区买房子,那也不是那么贵,加上生活成本又不高,吃的东西又便宜一些。对比起来纽村,低的收入只有45K一年,中产的收入每人每年也就是85K-150K之间,奥克兰惠灵顿买房租房(奥克兰租房间不贵)很贵很贵,吃的东西贵死了的既视感。living wage喊了这么多年,低收入的人和真正的生活之间的差距被所谓的living wage上调,越调越离谱,唉。
soldier 土澳现在也抢人,目前看加拿大抢移民是最主动的,手笔很大,移民的速度也更快,澳洲略输,配额死板的少,不改政策不看好。 至于纽村,移民局就是个笑话,抢人就算了吧,别被土澳把人偷光光就谢天谢地吧
洪涛 Living Wage The Living Wage concept is very simple, yet such a powerful alternative – it’s the hourly wage a worker needs to pay for the necessities of life and participate as an active citizen in the community. It reflects the basic expenses of workers and their families such as food, transportation, housing and childcare, and is calculated independently each year by the New Zealand Family Centre Social Policy Unit.