对违规行为表示道歉:首先,你需要承认你没有及时更新 Warrant of Fitness (WoF) 是你的错,并为此表示道歉。
解释原因:解释为何你没有及时更新 WoF。你可以提到工作和生活中的事情太多,你无意中忘记了这件事。尽量让你的解释听起来合理和真实。
显示你对规则的理解和尊重:强调你明白 WoF 的重要性,以及你尊重新西兰的法律和规定。你可以表示你会以后更加注意并遵守这些规定。
表示改正的决心:最后,你可以承诺你将尽快更新你的 WoF,以避免再次发生这种情况。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies for my oversight in failing to renew the Warrant of Fitness (WoF) for my vehicle on time. This was an unintentional error and in no way a purposeful avoidance of my responsibilities.
I understand the importance of having a valid WoF and the potential consequences of not adhering to this requirement. It was a mix of personal and professional commitments that caused me to lose track of the expiry date of my WoF, but I realize that these circumstances do not absolve me of my obligations as a vehicle owner in New Zealand.
I hold a deep respect for the laws and regulations of this country, and I am fully aware that I am in the wrong in this instance. I would like to assure you that this will not occur again in the future as I intend to set up reminders for such important matters.
In light of these circumstances, I kindly request that you consider waiving or reducing the fine of $200 imposed on me. I understand that the fine serves as a deterrent for such oversights, but given the current challenging times, this fine places a significant burden on me.
Should you grant me this request, I assure you that I will renew my WoF at the earliest and continue to be a responsible vehicle owner henceforth.
Thank you for considering my appeal. I appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter.
[Your Name]