站长 男士的话,白色衬衫黑色西装,全身不要有彩色的地方。西方人认为葬礼不是哭哭啼啼的,但是死者的灵魂在天上看着自己的肉体被下葬,你要穿的五彩缤纷,死者的灵魂就会向你飞去 当然不是家人才出席,朋友、同事、工作上的伙伴都会出席 礼数上没有什么礼品或者金钱往来,静静的在后排呆着就好了 魂归天堂,自然没有哭哭啼啼,当然也不要笑逐颜开,除非死者是你的仇人。
KO 站长 腻害,其实文化背景差异大,就怕触眉头,言行举止,不晓得有啥,kiwi经历这种事,会说啥英文啊,像中国人一般就慰问家属,节哀顺变,老外也说这种话吗,英文咋说啊,像covid,那些人在电视上也就说our thought is with the family, 这咋翻译啊,还真不知道
半人马αβ 给点例子 1、This is a difficult loss. I was very close to 隔壁老王. 2、隔壁王总 a large part of my life. I’ll never forget their kindness. 3、隔壁小王 will be missed by the entire family. 4、We are all so sorry for this loss. 老王 was loved by many. 5、I’m sorry for your loss. 6、隔壁阿王 was a loved community member. We will all miss them. 7、Your family is in my thoughts and prayers at this time. 8、Let me know if you need anything right now. I’m here for you. 9、I have fond memories of your 老王.