年前辞职了,跟前雇主对final pay里的年假数目未达成一致。沟通未果后尝试early resolution,结果失败了。因为前雇主说是得二月4号才能给回信。这是收到的邮件部分内容:
Further to our discussion on today regarding your holiday pay I confirm that your employer will not return until February 5th 2024 and as this process is informal and delt with relatively quickly unfortunately this extends outside our time frame.
In light of the above, as I am unable to progress the matter further you may wish to pursue the matter yourself via formal channels. I will be informing the employer that you have the option to pursue your claims formally.
As discussed I have reviewed the records provided to me by the business and did request further information as it appeared that the annual leave they recorded you had taken did not align to the number of days you did take for annual leave (specific dates in their records).
EmploymentNZ的这位员工建议我走mediation or ERA. 昨天尝试给前雇主CEO打电话问他是否同意调解,他说现在不能回答,得问问会计具体情况。今天打了几个电话没接(估计是周末的原因)。 周一再问问。
- 如果他一直拖着不回答是否同意调解,我就只能假设他不同意调解,那么下一步走ERA了吧。
- 感觉前雇主一直在拖,我认为是他们快要申请破产了。如果前雇主真的破产了,我走ERA还有意义吗?